Episode 1: Premiers Thursday Feb 11th!

At last, after over a year of work, Phoenix And Phriends, Episode 1: Hubble Trouble is finally complete, and will air on the CMAC Fresno Public Channel at 7:30 pm  on Thursday the 11th, and 11:00 am on Saturday the 13th. The channels for the Fresno area are 93 for Comcast and 99 for AT and T. The show can also be live streamed from the CMAC website at the following link: CMAC Fresno Live Stream.


The credits as listed at the end of the show are printed below. Expanded credits with further explanations of music and projects of the other performers will be released in the near future. Thanks to anyone out there taking an interest in the show, and many thanks to everyone who has participated. Much more fun to come!


Director:  Byron H Diel
Writer:  Byron H Diel
Producer:  Byron H Diel
Camera:  Anita Fernandez
Floor Manager:  Anita Fernandez
Editor:  Byron H Diel

Director of Despicable Alien Scene:  Cesar Perez
Camera on Despicable Alien Scene:  Dez Martinez
Camera on Despicable Alien Scene:  Leonard Brewer

Cast: in order of appearance

Sub Commander Dada:  Byron H Diel
Commander Phoenix:  Phoenix Jack Morgan-Diel
Charleton Smoke:  Clark Sumner
Dagmar Smoke:  Chris Hubble
Lieutenant Meowzers:  Maddy Collier
Master Mustafa:  Wael Abdelgawad
Sampi Saaduna:  Salma Abdelgawad
Queen Nana Bettina:  Betty “Nana” Imhoff
Despicable Alien-Trumpet:  Mike Ault
Despicable Alien- Keyboard & Vox : Evelyn Fey
Shadowhead:  Wael Abdelgawad
Madam Anima Mundi:  Alison “Gale Force” Gale
The Music:

Theme Song:  Byron H Diel 2015
Dada’s Intro:  Byron H Diel 2014
Smoke Brothers Scenes:  Respectable Citizen 09/2015
Lt Meowzers:  Respectable Citizen Absinth
Mustafa’s Dojo: Byron H Diel <>2012
Nana Bettina:  Byron H Diel 2008
Despicable Alien Intro:  Despicable Alien 12/2012
Despicable Alien:  Despicable Alien 07/2015
Final Battle:  Vance Galloway Byron H Diel 2009
M.A.M. Awards:  Respectable Citizen Le Charm 2007
Dada Outro:  Byron H Diel 2014

Space Imgery ESA/Hubble and NASA

The concept of “Natural Guard” was created by Jim Channon.

Disclaimer: While the producer is generally a supporter of NASA, Phoenix and Phriends is not supported by or endorsed by NASA in any way.

Warning: Some of the martial arts techniques in the “Final Battle” scene are dangerous, and should not be attempted without the supervision of a qualified instructor.

Many Thanks to the staff of CMAC Fresno for all of the help.

Special Thanks to Anita Fernandez for the indispensably loyal assistance and excellent friendship.

Extra Special Thanks and Love to Phoenix’s Mother Maleah Morgan,
without whose help, understanding and support none of this could have been possible.

BABYBJORN Baby Carrier Original, Black, Cotton